Configuring Etherscan (esplora) to Point to Bitcoind Bitcoin Servers on Ubuntu

Since you have two servers running, one for the entire Bitcoin blockchain (Bitcoin daemon v0.18.1) and a single-page website for esplora (Etherscan), you will probably be looking to integrate these two services into a unified workflow. Unfortunately, esplora relies on Bitcoind data to function, which is synchronized with the main blockchain.

To configure Etherscan (esplora) to send to your Bitcoind Bitcoin servers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Update the esplora configuration

Open the config.json file in the /usr/local/etherscan/ directory of both Ubuntu server instances. This file contains settings for esplora.

For example:


"ip": "",

"port": 8545,

"blockchain": {

"server": "

"rpcuser": "username",

"rpcpassword": "yourpassword."



Replace with the URL of the Bitcoind daemon (v0.18.1) to synchronize data.

Step 2: Update Bitcoind settings on Ubuntu

Update the/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conffile to point to the correct IP address and port for your server. Bitcoind:

sudo nano /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Add the following lines:

listen ["", ""]

server [" "

Replace your_bitcoin_ipwith the IP address of your Bitcoind server.

Step 3: Restart esplora and Bitcoind

Restart theesploraservice and thebitcoin-daemonservice on both Ubuntu servers:

sudo systemctl restart esplora

sudo systemctl restart bitcoin

Verify the configuration

After restarting, you should see your Bitcoin blockchain data displayed in the esplora interface.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • If esplora still does not display data, check the config.json` file for errors or inconsistencies.
  • Verify that Bitcoind is running and synchronized with the main Blockchain on both server instances.
  • Make sure that the IP address used by esplora in the configuration file matches the one on your Bitcoin servers.

By following these steps, you should be able to configure Etherscan (esplora) to send to your Bitcoind Bitcoin servers, allowing for a unified workflow and more efficient data management.